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Every business needs to set goals to attain them. Though, most goals tend to be broad with no focus or plan to reach them. One way to get your business on track to achieve your goals is by the SMART method. It allows you to set your goals and create an action plan to achieve results.

SMART Goals 01

Specific--Articulate your goals so that they are well defined and focused. Instead of stating your goal “to make more sales,'' be specific. Focus your goal to be something like “to generate more sales through my website”.

Measurable--Your goal should be measurable to achieve desired results. Using the above website sales as an example set a target for how many sales, both monetary goals and new customer interactions. Setting a target allows you to see if you are achieving your goal or if you fall short.

Attainable--Set goals within your reach. You can dream big but remember to keep yourself rooted in reality. Achieve realistic growth by aiming for attainable goals. It would be fantastic if you were able to generate 100 sales through your website a day, I do not doubt that you will get there one day. However, when you're just starting, set goals you can reach. That way you can celebrate the victories and not be defeated by your unrealistic expectations.

Relevant--Your goals should be based on the current market conditions of your industry. This falls in line with the above attainable goals. Look at the business climate, what your competition is doing, and then set your goals realistically based on relevant information.

Time-based--Goals only work if you set a time frame to achieve them. When there’s no deadline to work towards, objectives tend to go unaccomplished.

Once you’ve established your SMART business goals, break each objective down into tasks to accomplish the goal. These tasks form an action plan to achieve results. Thank you for following along with The Big Bad Business Blog. Do you have a topic you would like to hear more about? CLICK HERE to submit your idea and sign up for The Big Bad Business Newsletter, sending more in-depth information directly to your inbox!

Andrea Drummond