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Create A Vision Board

Are you a more visual person? Do you prefer creating collages over crunching numbers? Writing for fun rather than writing market research? Create a vision board. A vision board is a visualization tool created with pictures, words, or a combination of things. 

It could be your first step towards developing an idea for your business or jumpstart creating a business plan. It might be the creative jump you need to get to planning. A vision board is a great way to focus yourself and have intentional dreams. You can do this in your personal and professional life. I know it sounds a little “woo-woo” but it could be a fun exercise or experiment if you’re feeling stuck. How to Make a Vision Board That Actually Works:

  • 1. Start with an idea dump. Take about 10 minutes to dump your dreams. What are your intentions in business? What do you want in life? What are your dreams and aspirations? If you’re feeling stuck, look for inspiration. What brings you joy?

  • 2. In one year, what does your business look like? Where will you be? What do you want your work life balance to look like? Take a few minutes, maybe 5 or so, to collect your thoughts and write down your vision for the future.

  • 3. What about 5 years? What are your dreams for the future? Where do you see yourself and your business? Take five minutes, think about your wants and dreams for growth and creation. Write down your aspirations.

  • 4. What about 10 years? Take about 10 minutes, think about where you see yourself, where you see your business, and what you want for your life. Write down what you hope to happen in a decade.

Now that you’ve taken some time to think about what you want from the future and your business, put your dreams onto a vision board. A vision board can be a digital creation made in Adobe Illustrator, a Pinterest Board, a handmade photo collage, written notes, or a scrapbook style poster board covered in photos, drawings, and post it notes. Put it somewhere that you can see it everyday. On your desk, in your studio, wherever you need a daily reminder to work hard towards your goals.

Once you have your board and your notes pair it down to the essentials to create an action plan. What are the steps to take to make your dreams happen? Create action steps from point A to B, B to C, etc. This will be the groundwork to reach your goals.

Have you made a vision board? We want to see it! CLICK HERE to share your vision board with us and sign up for The Big Bad Business Newsletter! Thanks for following along with the Big Bad Business Blog!

Andrea Drummond