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Grit Explained

What is grit and why do you need it to be successful in the business world?

Grit is defined by the Merriam-Webster as “firmness of mind or spirit: unyielding courage in the face of hardship or danger.” Angela Duckworth is conducting research on grit through the “Genius Grant” to further study the importance of having grit in terms of success. Duckworth defines grit as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.”

Characteristics that measure grit include courage, conscientiousness, follow through, resilience, and excellence. Click here to learn more about each characteristic of grit.

Personally, I associate grit in my own life as perseverance. Whether it be running the extra mile or even getting my oil changed on time. I challenge myself to set goals that are within my reach and actually complete them in a timely manner. By doing this, it creates a sense of accomplishment and ultimately setting myself up for success. Remember to find comfort in the discomforting times and to celebrate your small wins. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do something that scares you every day.” Having grit starts and ends with YOU!

Whether you are starting a business or have experience in the business world- understanding and implementing grit into your life is extremely beneficial. Grit allows for one not to be measured by their IQ but rather their work ethic. Completing what you say you will do is rewarding- and good for business.

Tools to understand GRIT:

  • Watch Angela Duckworth’s Ted Talk here.
  • To see how gritty, you are- click here!

(This is a self-assessment test to see how passionate and persevering you are. Once you have an idea, you can move forward to better yourself and your business!)

Caitlin Hopper